UNIX In a Unix pathname, the tilde (~) is an abbreviation for the "path to your home directory".
Example (not using ~): /home4/susanQ/public_html/110/ is the Unix path to Susan Queue's 110 folder on shell.uoregon.edu.
Example (using ~): ~/public_html/110/ is the Unix path to Suzie's folder on shell.uoregon.edu
URLsIn a URL, the tilde (~) has a related but different meaning: it stands for the path to your public_html folder on the web server.
http://ix.cs.uoregon.edu/~susanQ/ is the URL that corresponds to the Unix path
/home4/susanQ/public_html/Example: http://ix.cs.uoregon.edu/~susanQ/110/ is the URL that corresponds to the Unix path