Tuesday, March 1, 2011

SSH and the Unix Shell's Erase Key

Polished Turtle Shell
SSH sometime uses the Delete key to erase characters, but I prefer to use the Backspace key. How do I set it up?

You have several options, as follows:

  • Windows: Start SSH, select Edit > Settings > keyboard, then select Backspace sends Delete (or whichever key you want to use), then click OK.

  • OS X: Start Applications > Utilities > Terminal, the select Terminal > Window Settings..., then select Keyboardin the drop-down list, then check Delete key sends backspace.

  • Set your Unix shell's Erase key--

    Use Pico or Emacs to edit your login shell's startup file, .bash_profile:

    $ pico .bash_profile

    Add this line to the .bash_profile:

    stty erase '^h'

    save the file and exit pico.

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