Sunday, September 25, 2011

How do I get into the 110 lab I want if it is full?

PC Lab in Tuttleman- classroom set upImage by wsh1266 via Flickr If you are unable to enroll in the course or any lab because the course is full, your only option is to Use the Wait List.

However, if you are already enrolled in the course and a lab but would like to switch to a lab that is full, here's what to do:

Go to the lab you want and ask the GTF if there's room for you. If your GTF says Yes, make sure that s/he has your name removed from your original lab and added to the new one. If the GTF says No, you will have to attend a different lab.

For labs that are full, two names may be added beyond the max on the condition that the added students bring a notebook computer or watch over someone's shoulder on days when the lab is full.

Students actually registered for the lab are guaranteed a workstation if they need one.

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